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Anna Trindade Falcão PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher
Harvard & Smithsonian | Center for Astrophysics

Hi there! I am a postdoctoral researcher studying supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. As these objects eat and grow, they become one of the brightest sources of light in the Universe, actively interacting with their galactic surroundings. My research aims to provide a better understanding of how this interaction shapes galaxies and impacts star formation across the universe.​


Research Interests

Supermassive black holes can be found within the center of all massive galaxies, and the behavior and evolution of these black holes are intricately connected with the evolution of the host galaxies themselves. The accretion process by which active galactic nuclei (AGNs) feed on interstellar material is often chaotic, and the energy they release back into the galaxy can have a major impact on the galactic environment. This mechanism is known as AGN feedback, and it has become a fundamental component of theoretical models and numerical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution.


My research uses multi-wavelength observations to study how black holes eat and grow, and interact with their surroundings.  By combining emission line imaging and spectroscopy from various observatories, including the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory, we can obtain a comprehensive picture of where AGN feedback occurs within the galaxy, and how efficient this process is on a galaxy-wide scale. 

Latest Publications

Discovery of Kiloparsec-scale Semi-relativistic Fe Kα Complex Emission in NGC 5728

We present Chandra ACIS-S imaging spectroscopy results of the extended (1 5–8″, 300–1600 pc) hard X-ray emission of NGC 5728, the host galaxy of a Compton-thick active galactic nucleus. We find spectrally and spatially resolved features in the Fe Kα complex (5.0–7.5 keV) redward and blueward of the neutral Fe line at 6.4 keV in the extended narrow-line region bicone. If due solely to redshifted and blueshifted high-velocity neutral Fe Kα, then the implied line-of sight velocities are +/− 0.1c, with their fluxes consistent with being equal. A symmetric high-velocity outflow is then a viable explanation. This outflow has deprojected velocities ∼100 times larger than the outflows detected in optical spectroscopic studies, potentially dominating the kinetic feedback power

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