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Abstract Galaxy


My research focuses on the study of AGN-galaxy feedback through the analysis of deep and multi-wavelength observations of nearby active galaxies.

Discovery of Kiloparsec-scale Semi-relativistic Fe Kα Complex Emission in NGC 5728

In this work, we discuss the discovery of spatially-extended spectral features in the Fe Kα complex (5.0–7.5 keV) in Chandra ACIS-S observations of NGC 5728. If arising from redshifted and blueshifted Fe Kα outflows, these would have line-of-sight velocities around 10% of the speed of light, and could potentially dominate the kinetic feedback power.

Tracking X-ray outflows with optical/infrared footprint lines

We present a novel methodology that uses photoionization modeling of specific optical and near-infrared emission lines to trace the footprints of X-ray gas. These are are dubbed footprint lines, and arise in gas over the same range in ionization state as the H- and He-like of O and Ne ions, which are also the source of X-rays. The footprint lines can be detected with optical and IR telescopes, such as the Hubble Space Telescope/STIS and James Webb Space Telescope/NIRSpec, and can be used to infer the kinematics of the extended X-ray emission gas.

Hubble Space Telescope [O III] emission-line kinematics in two nearby QSO2s: a case for X-ray feedback

We present a dynamical study of the NLR in two nearby quasars, Mrk 477, and Mrk 34. Our work shows that, although the kinetic luminosity as measured from [O III]-emitting gas is frequently low, X-ray winds may provide more than one order of magnitude higher kinetic power.

Hubble Space Telescope observations of [O III] emission in nearby QSO2s: physical properties of the ionized outflows

We present our results on the analysis of the extended ionized emission in a 12 nearby obscured quasars, with Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph long-slit G430M and G750M spectra. For the sample, masses are several times 10^3–10^7M⊙ and peak outflow rates range from 0.0093 to 10.3M⊙yr−1⁠. The estimated kinetic power is not sufficient to generate efficient AGN feedback, as required by early calculations. Three targets show extended [O III] emission, but compact outflow regions. This may be due to different mass profiles or different evolutionary histories.

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